This one is a bit subtle. People have got dogs here, just as in the UK. One big difference is that most dogs here stay outside and are not allowed in the house. Another difference is that their masters let them do their mess anywhere and don’t clean behind them (that’s a problem in the UK also, but it seems to me that people were slightly more disciplined).
Month: March 2011
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-20
- Dilemma I support Wales. But we are losing. Should I start supporting France? #
- Youth group, watching the rugby #
- What is easier: preaching or choosing the hymns? Preaching, definitely. Especially when you need to choose hymns from 3 books. #
- Package update: now in Germany, after travelling from China, via Korea and Kazakhstan. See blog for details. #
- Beautiful spring afternoon in Brittany. What's the weather like where you are? #
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- Brittany ministers' fellowship. Lunch #
- Brittany ministers' fellowship, Brest #
- Off to Brest now for a ministers' fellowship after coming back late from Nantes. #
- Still in Rennes. But on board a train. #
- All the trains are running late because of an accident 🙁 #
- On the train to go home. Good morning, several visitors. Good company also. #
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Evangelicals getting together — Pentecost Monday
We live in a global world
We know that we live in a global economy, but we don’t pay attention to it very often. We have clothes and food, and never ask how far they have travelled to get to us. Yet sometimes it hits us. I ordered a new laptop on a website recently. I can track its journey on the web.
It started somewhere in China a couple of days ago. It left Shanghai yesterday, and since then it has been through Korea, and is now in Kazakhstan. I’ll post the whole journey when it arrives.
Église protestante evangelique de Brest
Monday, the Brittany ministers’ fellowship was in Brest.
Update from Japan: How You Can Pray – The Gospel Coalition Blog
The Gospel Coalition Blog has an interesting article about the situation in Japan fro a Japanese Christian point of view: Update from Japan: How You Can Pray – The Gospel Coalition Blog.