We had a good Sunday. I preached on Colossians 1:15-23, as part of a series on the gospel centred life. In the afternoon, we went for a long walk as a family. We almost got bitten by a dog walking passed a house where the “Gendarmes” recently removed a dog because he had bitten several people. Seems the landlord still hasn’t learned his lesson.
Feeling refreshed, it’s good to look forward to this week. I am leading leading a Bible study on Ruth 4 Tuesday afternoon, and the youth Group on Saturday, talking about the resurrection. I’d also like to start working on my presentations for the week of Deputation in April.
Month: February 2011
How to recycle take away pizza boxes
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-06
- Preaching from Col 1:15-23 in guingamp today. #
- #LoveLastPass #
- @rhodrielisjones Pawb yn iawn diolch. Beth amdanoch chi? in reply to rhodrielisjones #
- Got the car back, feeling better. You get attached to these things. #
- @rhodrielisjones Tought you were marking. Why are you reading this then? 🙂 in reply to rhodrielisjones #
- The car is still not back… getting frustrated now. #
- We lost tonight but we get another chance tomorrow with France vs scotland. #
- @rhodrielisjones I hope you are right. in reply to rhodrielisjones #
- Maxime enjoying the rugby http://twitpic.com/3whnyf #
- Maxime seems more interested by the crisps and popcorn than the match. #
- Rugby night, training my sons to be patriotic. You need to start early. #
- No car :-(. The mechanic was still working on it. at least they lent me a car until tomorrow. #
- Going to get the car in the garage soon. #
- Car should be ready tonight. Tomorrow lunch at the latest. #
- Chicago under the snow, amazing pictures: http://tinyurl.com/68z4udp #
- sermon prep: Colossians 1:15-22 #
- We are pedestrians for a few days. at least the weather is beautiful here. #
- Phoned garage, only one part hasard arrived, waiting for the other one. maybe ready friday or saturday. Must check bicycle now #
- @asober I noticed the same here 🙁 will do that before lunch time. in reply to asober #
- Is the garage going to phone? Or do I need to phone them? #
- It's when the car is in the garage that you want to go for a ride. #
- It has been a full day, and CSI:NY is on TV. CSI wins over reading. #
- Back home without car. Will know tomorrow how much it will cost. #
- Stuck on a car park. It is the clutch (again). #
- Ruth 3 Great bible study. Praise God for our Boaz, our Redeemer. #
- Tuesday Bible study: Ruth 3. #
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We’ve got the car back
I went to pick up the car this afternoon. I am not looking forward to see the bill. The computer system was down, which means I’ll go back next week to pay.
Still no car….
The mechanics still haven’t finished with the car. They say they that because the steering will is on the right they have been struggling putting the part back. We’d love to have it back this afternoon. Thank you for your prayers.
Wales vs England
It’s the kind of day you start feeling a bit of hiraeth. Match days in Cardiff were quite amazing. We’ll follow the game on TV. Jean-Baptiste and Maxime are allowed to stay up. We’re training them to be patriotic and support their nation. We’ve told Maxime to shout only when the Reds have the ball.