Month: February 2011
Bégard Market
Lanvollon market
Planning evangelism on the local markets
We try to go to the market in Guingamp every other week. The church has bought a small stand with wheels which will allow us to display some literature, and will make our presence more visible. But this year, we would like to start covering other local markets. So the weeks we are not in Guingamp, we will try to go and visit somewhere else, trying to reach out to the numerous villages and towns without evangelical witness at all.
In order to have an idea of the settings of these markets, we went this morning to visit two of them, both about 15 minutes drive from Guingamp. It was good. They were both much smaller than Guingamp, and we were able to have a good look around to see where we can set up.
Great turn up: Tuesday afternoon Bible study
The weekly Bible study takes place on Tuesday afternoon. There is always a good number of people turning up, usually up to 9-10. But the last few weeks had been quite low on numbers. You can imagine my surprise when 12 people turned up yesterday afternoon. One of them was a lady who hadn’t come for several years. There were a couple of unbelievers as well. There were good discussions, and everyone was able to contribute. We finished the book of Ruth, and it was great to be able to wrap it up by showing that it was a story about God working out Redemption through his providence.
French Schools- British schools, one difference
There are many differences between the French school system and the British one. Here is one.
In Cardiff, we were always told when the children were going to do something with food, and eat something. We were asked to let the school know if we didn’t want our child to eat this type of food. No such thing in France. Jean-Baptiste has had different cakes, they’ve even baked at school. But we’ve never been asked before hand whether he was allowed to. I suppose it would be our responsibility to let them know at the beginning of the year that he had any food allergies. But also, the school system being thoroughly secular, they wouldn’t asked if you have any special diet on the ground of religion, since religion is completely excluded from the school system.