Andrew Peterson — Fool with a Fancy Guitar

It’s so easy to cash in these chips on my shoulder
So easy to loose this old tongue like a tiger
It’s easy to let all this bitterness smolder
Just to hide it away like a cigarette lighter

It’s easy to curse and to hurt and to hinder
It’s easy to not have the heart to remember
That I am a priest and a prince in the Kingdom of God

I’ve got voices that scream in my head like a siren
Fears that I feel in the night when I sleep
Stupid choices I made when I played in the mire
Like a kid in the mud on some dirty blind street

I’ve got sorrow to spare, I’ve got loneliness too
I’ve got blood on these hands that hold on to the truth
That I am a priest and a prince in the Kingdom of God

I swore on the Bible to not tell a lie
But I’ve lied and lied
And I crossed my heart and I hoped to die
And I’ve died and died

But if it’s true that you gathered my sin in your hand
And you cast it as far as the east from the west
If it’s true that you put on the flesh of a man
And you walked in my shoes through the shadow of death

If it’s true that you dwell in the halls of my heart
Then I’m not just a fool with a fancy guitar
No, I am a priest and a prince in the Kingdom of God

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-20

  • Home sweet home #
  • Now for prayer and sharing. Good to great what God is.doing in France. #
  • Good to see and meet some new folks. About 30 men and a few wives present. #
  • Caef church leaders meeting: a few brits but no welsh people. #
  • Cultivating Private Prayer as a Pastor from the Desiring God Resource Library via @desiringgod #
  • @alandavey ti'n gallu ffonio ni in reply to alandavey #
  • @alandavey where are you going? in reply to alandavey #
  • The car is in the garage. Should be ready tonight. #
  • More problems with the car. Need to take it back Thursday. Pray that it will hold until then. Not the clutch this time. #

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CAEF — church leaders day in Rennes

Our church here belongs to a denomination called CAEF. They have regional days from time to time for church leaders to meet up and discuss. We have one in Rennes today. I’ll be going with the other Emmanuel, and we’ll be back quite late tonight.

The themes for discussion are Baptism and the Lord’s supper. We will focus on the practical aspects of these ordinances. that should be interested. It will be my first meeting with other church leaders, so I’ll sit and listen, trying to keep quiet.