5 Things Im Surprised I Cant Find in the Bible by R.C. Sproul, Jr. | Ligonier Ministries Blog.
Month: February 2011
Together for the gospel — Live Album
Get it if you can. It is awesome. Here’s a taster and interview on how it was put together.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-27
- AGM of the church this afternoon. Not looking forward to it. #
- Catholic youth posters http://twitpic.com/43n5na #
- On the market this morning. http://twitpic.com/43n27k #
- Bible study, Rostrenen http://twitpic.com/43mtaj #
- On the market http://twitpic.com/43ip6v #
- Off to the market. Using the new stand for the first time. #
- Market evangelism this morning, the off to Rostrenen this afternoon for the monthly Bible study. This week speaking on prayer. #
- 17h40 people now say bonsoir. Good to know. #
- Need to wake the son up. Time to get ready for school. Two more days before the holidays. #
- "The Cost of Discipleship" from the "Luke's Gospel: Investigating the Man Who Is God" series: http://goo.gl/2hTfx #
- Check out 'R.C. Sproul's Starter List for Reading the Bible' from Ligonier Ministries http://bit.ly/dPaHPe #
- Bible study prep: judges 15 #
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The Bible study in Rostrenen
The mobile stand
On the market
Yesterday saw our usual market outing. Well, not so usual this time as it was the first time we took our mobile stand with us. It is small, with wheels to move it around easily, and enough space for some litterature, and Bibles. It is also Bright yellow, which makes it very visible.
We were excited, and we chose a nice spot by one of the entrances to the weekly market. God blessed us, and Emmanuel Hartiel had a long conversation with one of the sellers next to us. In the meantime, I walked around the market with another church member. Then, as we were waiting for the other Emmanuel to finish his conversation before packing up, we were approached by a young man with an English accent who wanted to know which church we were from. It became quickly clear that he was the young man who had been in touch with our colleagues a few weeks ago. He and his wife are Christians, and they are hoping to buy the campsite which is at the other end of the village we live in. His wife is French and they are living in the French Alps for the moment (not far from where I come from). They had come to attend an interview panel concerning their business project. If the sale goes through, they would move in April or May. Pray for them, that the Lord’s will be done. It would be encouraging to have another young family join the church (for the time being, our children are the only children).
All I can say is that God blessed our first outing with this mobile stand. We now pray that he will use it to give us more contacts, and more opportunities to witness.