Preaching in St Brieuc

The Lord heard your prayers and I was able to get to St Brieuc. It had snowed in the night, but less than expected, and the temperature had gone up slightly. It started raining when I left Guingamp. Only two lanes of the dual carriageway were opened to start with (one lane in each direction), but after a while I joined a part where all the lanes were opened. It took me about 50 minutes for a journey that usually takes about 35 minutes.

It was my first preaching commitment putside Guingamp since we arrived. It was good to meet new people. There was a good crowd, and the meeting room was full. I preached on the circumstances of Jesus’ birth from Matthew 1:18-25. Jesus was born of a virgin, adopted by Joseph and came to save sinners.

The service finished quite early so I was able to get back to Guingamp and pop into the church, see people and pick up my family.