L’institutrice/the teacher

We went to see Jean-Baptiste’s teacher yesterday. She had said we would meet and chat about Jean-Baptiste’s progress at some point. She was quite positive, impressed with his improvements in French. He has a lot of vocabulary to catch up, but that’s fine, some of the monolingual kids have done worst than him in the recent vocabulary tests. His understanding is also good, again , doing better that some. Writing is a bit more tricky, but she is not worried about it and is confident he will continue to improve. Numeracy is also coming slowly but he understands well.

On the behaviour side, she said that he is a boy, quite lively, mostly good, but can get carried away. For example when the children are instructed to walk calmly to the toilets, he is be the type to run rather than walk. But she usually only needs to look at him to bring him back on track.

On of our encouragements is that she understood our desire to bring Jean-Baptiste up bilingually and she understands the challenge it is. She did not discourage us to do it, and she’s had bilingual children before. She has observed that although bilingualism will be an advantage later, it can be a bit difficult at this stage. Good meeting, we were glad to meet up with her.