Reading the following article on the BBC website concerning yesterday afternoon’s rioting in London, I came accross these paragraphs which perfectly illustrate British Character:
As protesters surged, a succession of windows were smashed and demonstrators flooded into the entrance.
Security guards scattered and the handful of police inside were completely overrun. As the police tried to stop them, protestors clicked a battery of cameras in their faces.
A few yards away, in surreal calm, guests carried on eating in the adjacent Pizza Express.
It was a bizarre sight inside the building.
The full article is here.
Brilliant. The title might need some explanation for those not living in France, though…
Do you mean that I should define Phlegm? I did realise that the majority of English people might not be familiar with the word. But I decided to use it anyway because it best defines British character.
Yup, I meant that. I totally agree. Excellent word. Just maybe they wouldn’t understand.