A mystery to solve

Alain Monclair is a former Pastor of our church in Guingamp, and now leader of a church plant in Quimper. On Sunday morning they had visitors who have recently moved in the area and are looking for a church. From what he could remember, they are a Franco-Belgian couple, have two daughters, and they know us… That’s very strange, apparently we would have met them in Wales. We have no recollection of a Franco-Belgian couple, so maybe it could be a Franco-British family. Can you help us solve this mystery?

2 thoughts on “A mystery to solve”

  1. Good evening Emmanuel,
    J’ai retrouvé le nom de ce couple. Il s’agit de Arnaud et Marie Christine Coulier.
    A plus!

  2. Merci Alain, je crois que je commence à voir. C’est Arnaud que nous avons rencontré au Pays de Galles il y a bien des années. C’est l’ami d’amis, et je savais qu’il devait déménager en Bretagne depuis la région Parisienne. Mais je ne crois pas qu’Arnaud soit Belge. Ce n’est pas grave.

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