A braderie is a kind of car boot sale. But most of the spaces were taken by professionals, selling all sorts of things, from underwear to kitchen ustensils.
Day: October 9, 2010
The Micah Challenge
Have you heard of the Micah challenge? Until recently, I must say I hadn’t. It is an initiative from the International Evangelical Alliance, and a number of Christian Charities. It is “a global coalition of Christians holding governments to account for their promise to halve extreme poverty by 2015.” (Micah challenge website).
A few members here are quite interested in the SEL (the French equivalent of Tearfund), and they would be aware that this Sunday (10/10/2010), is a special Sunday for those involved in the Micah Challenge. The SEL would like churches to get involved in reminding their local MPs about the government’s commitment at the UN to help towards halving poverty in the world by 2015. For this, the SEL would like all churches involved to hold a special service, and for this they have sent a whole pack of activities to take place during that service. I personally find it a bit over the top, but you do not have to share my opinion.
Here in Guingamp, rather than following this activity pack to the letter, we have decided that the Micah project would be mentioned, together with a reminder of a Christian view of our involvment in social work. It will take place during the service, for about 10 minutes.
For this, my colleague and I have agreed to use an Article by Mark Barnes, published a year ago in the Evangelical Magazine (available online here). It is a helpful article which outlines some of the dangers to avoid in order not to fall into the social gospel pitfall.
We will finish this time by a prayer.
Micah Challenge website here.