- It's holiday, so off to the swimming pool this morning, then sermon prep this afternoon. #
- Tried to chase a mouse through the kitchen. It was lucky tonight, But we'll get it. #
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Marseille is over 700 Miles from Guingamp, yet, many fans have made the trip for the game today. One of the Costco staff in Cardiff used to travel to Manchester regularly to support his team and would come back in the night to be back in work the next morning.
And we find it difficult to get up on Sunday morning, go out again in the evening, and get to the midweek meeting. We also find it difficult to part of our money for the Lord’s work.
These people don’t have any problems to travel or spend money (sometimes a lot of it) to support their favourite team.
There is something seriously wrong with us Christians. Isn’t the living God worth it all?
The law was voted by the Senators at the end of last week, and should be definitely accepted today by the parliament. A lot of unions are still angry, but people are slowly going back to work. The strikes do not do the headlines anymore, are are gradually moving to the background.
There is still a day of demonstrations tomorrow, and another one on 6th November. We’ll see then if the Unions can still gather people around them. In my opinion, everything will slowly get back to normal in the coming weeks, until next time.
Tomorrow is a big day for our local football club. They are playing at home against Marseille, one of the top teams in the country. It is sold out, all 18000 seats. What it means is that there is no point going anywhere near the town center as people will park everywhere.
Borras Park Church in Wrexham contacted us a month ago to ask if we were going to visit the UK next year, and if we could come and visit. We had not planned a visit, but thought it could be good to spend a bit of time doing deputation. We went for April.
D.V. I plan to visit some churches at the beginning of the month, and attend the Banner of Truth minister’s conference in the second week. The date for Wrexham is 6th April.
I will try to make the most of this visit to contact new churches, so if you know of churches interested in the work of the gospel in France, or if you would like me to visit your church, get in touch.