Christ’s presence with his people

I found this helpful quote in Gordon Keddie’s little book on the Lord’s Supper (Evangelical Press).

The son of God is present with his people in a distinctly personal way. This is a loving, gracious, caring, guiding presence, in which he acts as the believer’s interface with God as a heavenly Father, in terms of his being the accepted sacrifice for their sin that reconciles them to God. he has told the church in the world, “And lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt 28:20). that is, in every situation and circumstance, both collectively (i.e., the church as the temple of God and the body of Christ, 1 Cor. 3:16; 12:27) and individually (i.e., each believer as a temple of the Holy Spirit, 1 Cor 6:19), he is truly and constantly our Immanuel.

Gordon J. Keddie, The Lord’s Supper is a celebration of Grace

It’s the clutch

I could see it coming. For 5 minutes, something odd was going on. And then it happened, while waiting at a set of traffic lights. The car started to shake, jumped. I turned the ignition off. We managed to push the car backwards and to park it on  a parking space next to where we were. It’s the clutch.

I managed to get the phone number of the local Fiat garage. A recovery lorry was there in less than 15 minutes, and dropped us in the garage, the other side of town. Maria Hartiel then picked us up, and we are safe at home.

The garage has ordered the faulty pieces, it should be ready by Friday, hopefully.