Esther often tells me I am too soapy. But I cant’ help it. Some months ago, we tried to teach Jean-Baptiste to ride his bike without stabilisers, with little success. Today, he decided he wanted to try, so he took one of them off, and I helped with the other one. And off he went. I was rather sceptical, but I saw him climb on his bike, and he was gone, no stabilisers. By the end of the afternoon, he was quite confident. I was gobsmacked. These kids will always amaze me.
Day: August 19, 2010
J E McGoldrick: John Calvin and the Missionary Mandate
The current issue of the Banner of Truth Magazine (August/September 2010) has a very interesting article entitled: John Calvin and the Missionary Mandate. It is a very interesting read, and dispels any misconceived ideas people have about the Reformers view on mission.
He first tackles the critics of Calvin, showing that their negative opinion on Calvin and the Reformers is often based on prejudice rather than facts. He then demonstrates that Calvin had a concern for the losts, wherever they are. Finally, he gives some historical examples showing that Calvin and his followers had a concern for sending preachers to the lost. If you receive the Banner of Truth Magazine, it is worth reading. If you don’t, go out and buy it.