I usually try to listen to a short sermon when I go for a run. Today I ran for about 45 min, just enough time to listen to the following sermon. It is thought provoking and challenging, full of hard truth. It does make me think. What do you think?
I usually try to listen to a short sermon when I go for a run. Today I ran for about 45 min, just enough time to listen to the following sermon. It is thought provoking and challenging, full of hard truth. It does make me think. What do you think?
I’ve read in several places that Google is stopping development on Google wave. See for example this article on the BBC website: Google drops Wave because of lack of users.
That’s a pity. I had only just started exploring this exciting new platform. I had thought it could be used by the French UFM team in order to collaborate on various ministry ideas and projects. The different teams are quite distant and it could have been a good tool.
But we still have our monthly Skype meetings to keep up to date with each other.