The school dilemma

It was good to be in Guingamp yesterday. Emmanuel showed me the house from the outside, and we explored the area. and saw the local schools.

Jean-Baptiste will be 5 next month and in France, he will still be in nursery for another year. It is good news. But there are two schools at close proximity. Which one to chose?

The closest one is only 700m away. It is a small school, and could be good for Jean-Baptiste. The teachers would have more time for him, and we may have more opportunities to meet people. But there is no primary school, only the nursery section. It means we would have to change school in a years time anyway and send him to the other local school.

The other school is sligtly further, maybe 1000m away. But it is straight forward to get there, and still walking distance. It has a nursery section as well as a primary school. It is bigger than the other one, but looks nice from the outside as well. The advantage would be that Jean-Baptiste would not have to change school next year.

Now, there is still a bit of time to decide, so we’ll discuss the matter again, and may wait until we have moved to decide. Check the map of the area below:

Afficher Local Schools 23 rue Yves guyadier sur une carte plus grande

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