Another great Sunday

Some Sundays are especially blessed. Today was one of them. This morning, our Pastor preached from Joshua 1 on the theme: be strong and of a good courage. Israel was at a turning point. The generation that had known God’s mighty works in the wilderness had passed, and a new generation needed encouragement as they were about to enter the promised land. We are at the same turing point in Wales. The generation that has known God’s blessing in the fifties is passing away, and the new generation needs encouragement. He reminded us of the importance of being rooted in the Word, God’s love letter to us.

Then, we had lunch with our Landlords. It was hot and sunny, and we chilled out in their garden all afternoon. Now, Esther has gone to church, and some Ladies have organised some kind of little goodbye party for her. I have just put the children to bed, and will try to get ready for tomorrow’s quick trip to Guingamp. The ferry is at 3 pm, but Brittany Ferries has advised me to leave early because of roadworks in Plymouth city centre.

One thought on “Another great Sunday”

  1. Helo Emmanuel ac Esther,
    Mae’n hyfryd darllen eich hynt a’ch helynt ar y blog. Dw i newydd fod yn dangos i mam a dad eich blog. Very impressive!!!TÅ·’n edrych yn neis iawn gyda llaw. Digon o le i’r plant chwarae yn yr ardd, a dim gormod o le ‘chwaith i Esther lanhau!!! Gobeithio bod yna ddigon o headroom i chi bobl dal!
    Diolch am rannu eich pregeth heddiw efo ni. Mae dad a mam wedi bod yng Nghaernarfon heddiw, dad yn pregethu yng Nghaersalem. Dw i wedi aros ym Mangor, ac roedd John Richards yn pregethu efo ni, ac roedd fellowship lunch. Pobl yn gweddio amdanoch chi yn y cwrdd wythnos.
    Wel, bon voyage yfory i Lydaw, ac yn ôl.
    Cofion at Jean-Baptiste a Maxime!
    Sara, Ioan a Glenys XXX
    ON Edrych ymlaen yn fawr at eich gweld dydd Sadwrn.

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